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Eclectic Maybe Band – The Blind Night Watchers' Mysterious Landscapes

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Frédéric Gerchambeau at Rhythmes Croises

The names already say it all. We are talking about an imaginary or at least improbable heterogeneous group exploring mysterious and strange landscapes. Except that the group in question is Belgian, that the union is strength as they say there, and that this force goes even to make audible and splendid to the most bizarre music.


To succeed in this tour de force, again, it needed an undisputed champion of off-piste harmony to supervise the operations, which we guess to be unusual and delicate. In this case, the highly respected leader of the band is Guy SEGERS, former bass player of the ultra-mythical UNIVERS ZERO, a formation as historic as it is central whose influence has never ceased to be exercised in Belgium, in France and much more.


To venture into unexplored regions of music, Guy SEGERS was of course accompanied by the mega-top of Belgian musicians bold enough to follow him in these unknown territories. There are Joe HIGHAM and Roland BINET on sax and flute, Catherine SMET on keyboards, Michel DELVILLE on guitar and Dirk WACHTELAER on drums.


Even if they share the same taste for audacity, all these musicians come from very different horizons, so it is normal that the album also goes in very different directions, and that is obviously good. What we find nevertheless in each song, and this is what makes the great strength, always it, of this opus, is the boundless pleasure of being in the same studio and playing together. This is what makes us follow the musicians in each meander, in each strangeness, and we love this harmonic journey, unexpected, surprising, and even that we ask for more.


And then, frankly, all these musicians really make their instrument live and vibrate, it plays, it beats, it melodizes, it improvises, it syncope, it pulsates, in short it lives in our ears and in our soul.


You can buy this album here.